Frescura consists of a group of strong players in the fruit and vegetable industry. Thanks to our close cooperation, we can guarantee a smooth service. Flexibility and quality are paramount for all our partners, ensuring a transparent and efficient workflow. And satisfied customers, of course!
Frescura consists of a group of strong family companies in the fruit and vegetable industry. Thanks to our close cooperation, we can guarantee a smooth service. Flexibility and quality are paramount for all our partners, ensuring a transparent and efficient workflow. And satisfied customers, of course!
All our services are specialized and experienced in their own domain. By bringing the various services together, Frescura is a solid working group with the right professionals in the right place. This ensures a good workflow for the complete procedure.
Frescura is always available for new contacts and collaborations. Feel free to contact us with all of your questions, or for an up-to-date overview of our offer.
Certificate for the distribution and labeling of organic products.
The International Food Standard (IFS) certificate represents the treatment and distribution of fresh fruit and vegetables in Europe.
This standard sets requirements for the safety of separate, unpackaged products in a Cash & carry context and it also includes the processing of small quantities.
Quality mark of German origin concerning traceability of agricultural products. The QS certificate stands for quality food.
Globally recognized standard for agricultural products, concerning food safety, sustainability and quality.
The ISO 22000 certificate, supplemented by additional requirements and measures for companies supplying directly to the retail sector.
The SQF food safety program uses SQF quality codes that describe the quality of the products.